Analysis and Design of Algorithm MCQs Model Test Paper – I

Analysis and Design of Algorithm

Analysis and Design of Algorithm MCQs Model Test Paper – I

1. The rules for performing arithmetic using Arabic numerals were originally known as ___.
Ans. Algorism

2. The efficiency of algorithms depends upon ___, ___ and ___ consumption.
Ans. Speed, size, resources

3. An algorithm is considered as the cornerstone of ___.
Ans. Good programming

4. To analyze an algorithm is to determine the number of ___ necessary to execute it.
Ans. Resources

5. ___ algorithms are used to combine sets of elements to form a single set according to some criteria.
Ans. Merging

6. ___ is the expression of an algorithm in a programming language with all the language-specific codes.
Ans. Programs

7. An algorithm that invokes itself within the process is called ___.
Ans. Direct recursive

8. ___ is the method of expressing the upper bound of an algorithm’s running time.
Ans. Big – O

9. ___ is defined as the number of memory cells which an algorithm needs.
Ans. Space complexity

10. A ___ algorithm converts the solution to a simpler subproblem to arrive at the correct solution.
Ans. Simple recursive

11. A ___ algorithm simply tries all possibilities until a satisfactory solution is found.
Ans. Brute force

12. ___ algorithms are based on a depth-first recursive search.
Ans. Backtracking

13. A ___ is a set of data elements grouped together under one name.
Ans. Data structure

14. ___ data structure has all the elements of the same data type in it.
Ans. Homogeneous

15. For ___ data structure, the memory is allocated at the compile time itself.
Ans. Static

16. The ___ of an algorithm can be determined by calculating its performance.
Ans. Efficiency

17. ___ of an algorithm is the amount of time required by an algorithm to execute.
Ans. Time complexity

18. If an algorithm takes the least amount of time to execute a specific set of input then it is called ___ time complexity.
Ans. Best case

19. The method of calculating primitive operations produces a computational model called___.
Ans. Random assess machine

20. ___ describes how to count the maximum number of primitive operations an algorithm executes.
Ans. Counting primitive operations

21. ___ is more accurate than Big-Oh notation and Omega notation.
Ans. Theta notation

22. ___ asymptotic notation is simple notational convenience.
Ans. Conditional

23. ___ depicts the running time between the upper bound and lower bound.
Ans. Theta notation

24. Tower of Hanoi is a ___ puzzle.
Ans. Mathematical

25. The time required to perform a step should always bound above by a ___.
Ans. Constant

26. ___ is of no importance between two operations for the algorithm’s basic operation.
Ans. Choice

27. ___ technique is used to perform an amortized analysis method based on a financial model.
Ans. Accounting method

28. If you can set up such a scheme called an amortization scheme then each operation in the series has an ___.
Ans. Amortised running time O(a)

29. ___ technique is used to perform an amortized analysis method based on an energy model.
Ans. Potential function method

30. The running time of the algorithm prefixAverages1 is ___.
Ans. O(n2)

31. The running time of the algorithm prefixAverages2 is ___.
Ans. O(n)

32. In prefixAverages2 algorithm ___ is the time taken for initiating the variables.
Ans. O(1)

33. Recursive procedure should define a ___ which is small enough to solve without using recursion.
Ans. Base case

34. ___ of the algorithm means analyzing the behaviour of the algorithm with a specific set of inputs.
Ans. Empirical analysis

35. We can measure the efficiency of algorithms using ___ and ___ methods.
Ans. Counters, system clocking

36. The ___ analysis of the algorithm makes it easy to study.
Ans. Pictorial

37. ___ is defined as a technique that uses images to convey information about algorithms.
Ans. Algorithm visualization

38. ___ visualization is the type of visualization that uses still images to illustrate the algorithm.
Ans. Static algorithm

39. ___ visualization is the type of visualization that uses animations to illustrate the algorithm. This is also known as algorithm animation.
Ans. Dynamic algorithm

40. ___ is defined as the process that refers itself to simplify a problem.
Ans. Recursion

41. A value that satisfies the constraint is called a ___.
Ans. Feasible solution

42. ___ is a function that is associated with an optimization problem determining how good a solution is.
Ans. Objective function

43. The running time needed to determine whether a possible value of a feasible solution is O(n) and the time required to compute the objective function is also O(n) is ___.
Ans. O(n2n).

44. Selection sort is one of the simplest and ___ sorting techniques.
Ans. Performance-oriented

45. Bubble sort has ___, best and average case run-time of O(n2).
Ans. Worst

46. ___ is the simplest sorting algorithm.
Ans. Bubble sort

47. ___ is also known as a linear search.
Ans. Sequential search

48. We program sequential search in an array by ___an index variable until it reaches the last index.
Ans. Stepping up

49. In this pseudocode implementation, we execute the ___ only after all list items are examined with none matching.
Ans. Last line

50. Exhaustive search implementation is more important than ___.
Ans. Speed

51. Exhaustive search algorithm gives the ___ for every candidate that is a solution to the given instance P.
Ans. Output

52. Exhaustive search is typically used when the problem size is ___.
Ans. Limited

53. ___ need very few lines of code as it performs the same process again and again on different data.
Ans. Recursive algorithms

54. In the towers of Hanoi problem, if the numbers of disks is n, the number of steps will be___.
Ans. 2n-1

55. Unlike the merge sort, which breaks up its input elements according to their position in the array, quick sort breaks them according to their ___.
Ans. Value

56. After the partition, if the pivot is inserted at the boundary between the ___ sub-arrays, it will be in its final sorted position.
Ans. Left and right

57. Binary search is an algorithm for identifying the position of an element in a ___ array.
Ans. Sorted

58. Say if the following statement is true or false. To find a value in an unsorted array, we need to scan through only half the elements of an array.
Ans. False

59. Say if the following statement is true or false. The benefit of binary search is that its complexity depends on the array size logarithmically.
Ans. True

60. ___ methodology can solve most of the problems regarding binary trees.
Ans. Divide and Conquer

61. The three typical traversals: ___, ___, and ___ are the most important Divide and Conquer algorithms of binary trees.
Ans. Pre-order, in-order, post-order

62. Two kinds of traversal are ___ and ___.
Ans. Breadth-first traversal, depth-first traversal

63. At the expense of a slight increase in the number of additions, the strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm will ___ the total number of multiplications performed.
Ans. Decrease

64. The normal method of matrix multiplication of two n X n matrices takes ___ operators.
Ans. O()

65. By Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm, two 2 X 2 matrices takes 2 only 7 multiplicators and ___ adders.
Ans. 18

66. Mergesort is a perfect example of a successful application of the ___ and ___ methodology.
Ans. Divide, Conquer

67. ___ is a comparison-based sorting.
Ans. Mergesort

68. What are the three steps involved in mergesort?
Ans. Divide, recur, conquer

69. If the array has two or more cells, the algorithm calls the ___ method.
Ans. Partition

70. Decrease and conquer can be implemented by a ___ or ___ approach.
Ans. Top-down or Bottom-up

71. ___, ___ & ___ are three instances of the transform and conquer technique.
Ans. Instance simplification, problem reduction, representation change

72. Decrease and conquer is also known as ___ approach.
Ans. Incremental

73. Decrease and conquer is a method by which we find a solution to a given problem based upon the ___ of a number of problems.
Ans. Solution

74. There are ___ major categories in insertion sort.
Ans. Two

75. In insertion sort, the best case input is an array that is already ___.
Ans. Sorted

Test Your IQ on Analysis and Design of Algorithms MCQs

Created on By Sofia Islam

Analysis & Design of Algorithm Quiz

At Eguardian India, we understand the importance of understanding the fundamentals of algorithm design and analysis. To help students get a better grasp of the concepts, we have created an Analysis and Design of an Algorithm Quiz.

This quiz will test your knowledge of algorithm design and analysis, and help you gain a better understanding of the topic. So, why wait? Take the quiz now and find out how well you know your algorithms!

1 / 25

A process is a ___ of activities actually being carried out executed, to solve a problem.

2 / 25

The symbol ¬ is used for ___

3 / 25

If n is ___ we set both the minimum and maximum to the value of the first element, and then we process the rest of the elements in pairs.

4 / 25

The key at reach node is greater than or equal to the key at its ___.

5 / 25

___ is a method of expressing algorithms by a collection of geometric shapes with imbedded descriptions of algorithmic steps.

6 / 25

While proving a theorem, if an unrequired lemma is proved, we may ignore it. The only loss is the loss of efforts in proving the lemma. Such a problem is called ___.

7 / 25

A problem is ___ if it is NP and for which no polynomial time deterministic TM solution is known so far.

8 / 25

The size of a problem is measured in terms of the ___.

9 / 25

Halting problem is ___.

10 / 25

___ may consist of various numbers of loops, nested or in sequence.

11 / 25

___ is an abstract entity constituted of mathematical objects like sets and a function.

12 / 25

___ model is the corresponding grammatical model that matches turing machines in computational power.

13 / 25

When two keys HASH to the same slot, we call the situation as ___

14 / 25

In a ___ the previous pointer of the head of the list points to the tail, and the next pointer of the tail of the list points to the head.

15 / 25

Every member of any language is said to be a ___.

16 / 25

A minimum spanning tree of a weighted connected graph is its ___ with the smallest weight

17 / 25

Algorithms based on Greedy technique are used for solving ___.

18 / 25

___ is a bottom up approach for solving problem

19 / 25

___ is conceptually a top down approach for solving problems.

20 / 25

A terminal node from which there is no legal move is a ___ position.

21 / 25

___ is a variant of a nim game and it is played with matches.

22 / 25

A ___ is a collection of Binomial trees.

23 / 25

All leaves have the same depth, which is the tree’s ___.

24 / 25

The insert operation on a stack is often called ___.

25 / 25

A stack is an ordered list in which all insertions and deletions are made at one end, called the___.

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Artificial intelligence MCQs with Answers: Model Test Paper – I

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