Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers Multiple Choice

Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers Multiple Choice Types MCQ for preparation of academic and competitive examinations.

Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers Multiple Choice

Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers.

1) The access method used for magnetic tape is ___
a) Direct
b) Random
c) Sequential
d) None of the above
Ans: c

2) By Processing we understand ___
a) Processing string of only words
b) None of the above
c) String manipulation only
d) Processing string of numbers and special symbols
Ans: b

3) The difference between memory and storage is that the memory is ___ and storage is___
a) Temporary, permanent
b) Permanent, temporary
c) Slow, fast
d) None of the above
Ans: a

4) Which of the Following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
a) Hard disk
b) Floppy disk
c) Motherboard
d) None of the above
Ans: c

5) The language that the computer can understand and execute is called ___
a) Machine language
b) Application software
c) System program
d) None of the above
Ans: a

6) Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?
a) OCR
b) OMR
d) None of the above
Ans: a

7) A floppy disk contains
a) Circular tracks only
b) Sectors only
c) Both circular tracks and sectors
d) None of the above
Ans: c

8) CD-ROM is a
a) Semiconductor memory
b) Memory register
c) Magnetic memory
d) None of the above
Ans: d

9) Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in
a) ALU
b) Control Unit
c) Storage unit
d) None of the above
Ans: a

10) Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?
a) Magnetic tape
c) Floppy disk
d) None of the above
Ans: b

11) Information retrieval is faster from
a) Floppy disk
b) Magnetic tape
c) Hard disk
d) None of the above
Ans: c

12) Operating system is
a) A collection of hardware components
b) A collection of software routines
c) A collection of input-output devices
d) none of the above
Ans: b

13) Operating system
a) Link a program with the subroutines it references
b) Provides a layered, user-friendly interface
c) Enables a programmer to draw a flowchart
d) None of the above
Ans: b

14) Execution of two or more programs by a single CPU is known as:
a) Multiprocessing
b) Time sharing
c) Multiprogramming
d) None of the above
Ans: c

15) Modem stands for
a) A type of secondary memory
b) Modulator demodulator
c) Mainframe operating device memory
d) None of the above
Ans: b

16) Typical data transfer rate in LAN is of the order of
a) Bits per sec
b) Kilobits per sec
c) Megabits per sec
d) None of the above
Ans: c

17) Ethernet uses
a) Bus topology
b) Ring topology
c) Mesh topology
d) None of the above
Ans: a

18) Wide area networks (WANs) always require
a) High bandwidth communication source link
b) High-speed processors
c) The Same type
d) None of the above
Ans: d

19) Typical bandwidth of optical fibres is
a) Order of GHz
b) Order of KHz
c) Order of Hz
d) None of the above
Ans: a

20) A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by
a) Twisted pair lines
b) Coaxial cables
c) Communications satellites
d) None of the above
Ans: c

21) Which of the following topologies is not of broadcast type?
a) Star
b) Bus
c) Ring
d) None of the above
Ans: c

22) Bug means
a) A logical error in a program
b) Documenting programs using efficient Documentation too
c) A difficult syntax error in a program
d) None of the above
Ans: a

23) The part of machine-level instruction, which tells the central processor what was to be done is
a) Operation code
b) Address
c) Operand
d) None of the above
Ans: a

24) Indicate which, of the following is not true about 4GL.
a) 4GL does not support a high–level of screen interaction
b) Many database management system packages support 4GLs
c) A 4GL is a software tool that is written, possibly, in some third-generation language
d) None of the above
Ans: a

25) Indicate which of the following, best describes the term “software”
a) Systems programs only
b) Application programs only
c) Both (a) and
d) None of the above
Ans: a

26) A translator is best described as
a) An Application software
b) A system software
c) A hardware component
d) None of the above
Ans: b

27) Indicate which of the following is not true about an interpreter
a) Interpreter generates an object program from the source program
b) Interpreter is a kind of translator
c) Interpreter analyses each source statement every time it is to be executed
d) None of the above
Ans: b

28) The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
a) Syntax errors
b) Semantic errors
c) Logical errors
d) None of the above
Ans: a

29) C is
a) An assembly language
b) A third-generation high level language
c) A machine language
d) None of the above
Ans: b

30) A graph prepared by a computer
a) Is its output
b) Is the piece of information to use
c) Is a hard copy
d) All of the above
Ans: d

31) Which of the following does not represent on I/O DEVICE?
a) Speaker which beeps
b) Joystick
c) Plotter
d) ALU
Ans: d

32) The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is called a
a) Bus
b) Line
c) Media
d) None of these
Ans: b

33) Memories which can be read-only are called …….. memories
a) RAM
b) ROM (read-only memory)
Ans: b

34) Example of non-numerical data is
a) Employee address
b) Examination score
c) Bank balance
d) None of the above
Ans: a

35) One thousand bytes represent a
a) Megabyte
b) Gigabyte
c) Kilobyte
d) None of the above
Ans: c

36) The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
a) Machine language
b) Application software
c) System program
d) None of the above
Ans: a

37) A step by step procedure used to solve a problem is called
a) Operating system
b) Algorithm
c) Application Program
d) None of the above
Ans: b

38) Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
a) Hard disk
b) Cache memory
c) Motherboard
d) None of the above
Ans: c

39) The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
a) Syntax errors
b) Semantic errors
c) Logical errors
d) None of the above
Ans: a

40) A computer cannot “boot” if it does not have the
a) Compiler
b) Loader
c) Operating system
d) Assembler
Ans: c

41) WAN hardware includes
a) Multiplexors and routers
b) EDF
c) Bridger and modems
d) None of the above
Ans: a

42) Third generation computers
a) Were the first to use built-in error detecting device
b) Used transistors instead of vacuum tubes
c) Were the first to use the neural network
d) None of the above
Ans: d

43) A Winchester disk is a
a) Disk stack
b) Removable disk
c) Flexible disk
d) None of the above
Ans: a

44) A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can be(choose the most precise definition):
a) Carry out arithmetical operation
b) Carry out logical function
c) Accept and process data using a set of stored instructions
d) Present information on a VDU
Ans: c

45) The Central Processing Unit:
a) Is operated from the control panel
b) Is controlled by the input data entering the system
c) Controls the auxiliary storage unit
d) controls all input, output and processing.
Ans: d

46) Computer follows a simple principle called GIGO which means:
a) Garbage input good output
b) Garbage in garbage out
c) Great instructions great output
d) Good input good output.
Ans: b

47) The term ‘baud’ is a measure of the:
a) Speed at which data travels over the communication line
b) Memory capacity
c) Instruction execution time
d) All of the above
Ans: a

48) A bootstrap is:
a) A memory device
b) A device to support the computer
c) A small initialisation program to start up a computer
d) An error correction technique
Ans: c

49) Which of the following is not hardware?
a) Magnetic tape
b) Printer
c) VDU terminal
d) Assembler
Ans: d

50) Pick out the wrong definition:
a) Access time – time needed to access the output
b) EDP- the acronym for Electronic Data Processing
c) COBOL – a language used for business data processing
d) Control unit – the heart of a computer.
Ans: a

51) Terminal is a:
a) Device to give power supply to the computer
b) Point at which data enters or leaves the computer
c) The last instruction in a program
d) Any input /output device.
Ans: b

52) Multiple choice examination answer sheets can be evaluated automatically by
a) Optical Mark Reader
b) Optical Character Reader
c) Magnetic tape reader
d) Magnetic ink character reader.
Ans: a

53) An operating system
a) Is not required on large computers
b) Is always supplied with the computer
c) Is always supplied with the BASIC
d) Consists of programs that help in the operation of the computer.
Ans: d

54) Which of the following would cause the quickest access?
a) Direct access from a magnetic tape
b) Direct access from a hard disk
c) Direct access from a floppy disk
d) Direct access from a cassette tape
Ans: b

55) The process of retaining data for future use is called
a) Reading
b) Writing
c) Storing
d) Coding
Ans: c

55) A file is corrected immediately after the input of a transaction. This is an example of
a) Sorting
b) Batching
c) On-line updating
d) Off-line updating
Ans: c

56) Magnetic tapes are good storage media for
a) Backup and low volume data
b) Backup and high volume data
c) Storing original but low volume data
d) Storing original but high volume data
Ans: b

57) Which of the following is a computer code?
d) None of the above
Ans: c

58) Data is generally coded in 8-bit units; such a unit is also called
a) K
b) Word
c) Field
d) Byte
Ans: d

59) Half adder is logic CKT that adds .…. the digit at a time
a) Two
b) One
c) Three
d) Zero
Ans: a

60) Half adder consists of .…… & ….. Gates
d) None of this
Ans: a

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