Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2006 – 2007

Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2006 – 2007

If you are a student aiming to excel in the AMU 9th class entrance exam, then look no further! In this article, we present to you an invaluable resource – the Quiz AMU Class 9th previous question bank for the sessions of 2006 and 2007.

This comprehensive collection of past exam questions will provide you with an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the pattern and types of questions that have been asked in previous years. By practicing these questions, you can gain confidence and enhance your chances of success in one of the most highly competitive entrance exams for class 9th students.

So, let’s delve into this treasure trove of knowledge and begin your journey towards achieving academic excellence at AMU.

Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank Session 2006 – 2007

Quiz for AMU class 9th : Session 2006 – 2007


Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2006 – 2007

1 / 125

The exclamatory sentence ends with.

2 / 125

Nouns are of

3 / 125

The plural of 'Mother-in-law’ is

4 / 125

Which of the following is the feminine gender of 'sir'

5 / 125

Which of the following is right to show the possessive case of a plural noun?

6 / 125

In the sentence ''the doctor examined the patient'' the verb and the object are

7 / 125

In the sentence ''I have enough food'' the adjective is

8 / 125

In the sentence; Maya stood there ''the adverb of the place is

9 / 125

Do not depend. . . . . . . others

10 / 125

Be careful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what you do.

11 / 125

I love my parents  . . . . they love me.

12 / 125

I did well in my test . . . . . . I studied hard

13 / 125

Yesterday . . . . . . European came to our house.

14 / 125

The children. . . . . . learnt the song.

15 / 125

All the students ….…... had scored more than 90% marks in calls XII examination of CBSE were invited to a tea party by the President of India

16 / 125

The superlative degree of 'many' is

17 / 125

The comparative degree of UP is

18 / 125

The indirect of (she says'' 'Rahul sings well')

19 / 125

The prefix that is correct for the word 'FINAL' is

20 / 125

The correct suffix for 'IMPROVE' is

21 / 125

I  am. . . . . . glad see to see you looking well

22 / 125

He comes . . . . . . a noble family

23 / 125

Many a man . . . . . . not know his own good deeds

24 / 125

We . . . . . . . . be visiting him tomorrow.

25 / 125

The passive from of Sarnia will help my sister is

26 / 125

The portion of shadow which is partially lighted i.e. which is dark is called

27 / 125

How many colours in white light?

28 / 125

Which of the following light bends least?

29 / 125

An apparatus that is used to test whether a wall is exactly vertically or not is called

30 / 125

Negative electrodes in dry cells are

31 / 125

In the solar cooker, we can.......

32 / 125

Which planet of the solar system is the smallest in size?

33 / 125

If the speed of light inside a diamond were 0.42 times of that in air, what will be its refractive index?

34 / 125

The hardest known material is

35 / 125

Which of the following statement is true?

36 / 125

Main constituents of natural gas are

37 / 125

Ruby and Sapphire are both rare form of mineral of

38 / 125

The metal not affected by air water and acids is

39 / 125

Which of the following behave like supper cooled liquids?

40 / 125

Ceramic is derived from

41 / 125

The main component of common salt is

42 / 125

Which of the following is the most abundant microorganism?

43 / 125

Which of the following can perform photosynthesis?

44 / 125

Fibre crops of India are

45 / 125

Which of the following gives you a lot of energy and some mineral?

46 / 125

Vegetables are good sources of

47 / 125

Which of the following hearts has three chambers?

48 / 125

The Paleontology is a science of

49 / 125

Forest support of a wide variety of

50 / 125

Which of the following are the main natural resources?

51 / 125

'हिम + आचल' को मिलाने से बनता  है।

52 / 125

'रवींद्र' में कौन सी संधि है।

53 / 125

'विदुषी  का पुर्लिंग पुल्लिंग कौन सा है।

54 / 125

शुध्द शब्द कौन सा है?

55 / 125

'रफू चक्कर' शब्द का अर्थ है।

56 / 125

'आकाश' का पर्यायवाची शब्द कौन सा है।

57 / 125

'भुजंग’ शब्द का पर्यायवाची शब्द होगा।

58 / 125

ईश्वर में आस्था  रखने वाले को एक शब्द में क्या कहेंगे।

59 / 125

'रंग' शब्द क्या है?

60 / 125

'मिलता’ व्याकरण की दृष्टि से कौन सा शब्द है।

61 / 125

'गोदान' किसकी रचना है।

62 / 125

घोड़ा घास खा रहा है। घोड़ा क्या है।

63 / 125

सत्य बोलने वाले के लिए अधिक प्रचलित है।

64 / 125

ईमानदारी को मूर्खता का पर्याय समझा जाने लगा है - ईमानदारी और मूर्खता क्या है?

65 / 125

"राम ने रावण को मारा" में कर्त्ता बतायें

66 / 125

निम्न में व्यक्ति वाचक संज्ञा कौन है।

67 / 125

'तुम' सर्वनाम का कौन सा प्रकार है।

68 / 125

'खून उतरना' मुहावरे का अर्थ है।

69 / 125

वंदना करने वाले को एक शब्द में क्या कहते है?

70 / 125

रात में घूमने वाले को कहते है।

71 / 125

चिड़िया मुक्ति का गाना क्यों गाना चाहती है?

72 / 125

'जिधर चाहती हूँ उधर घूमती हूँ’ इस वाक्य से क्या प्रतीत होता है।

73 / 125

शुध्द शब्द कौन सा है।

74 / 125

ज्ञान + इन्दिय को मिलाने से बनेगा।

75 / 125

‘हाथ खाली होना’ से अभिप्राय है।

76 / 125

Which of the following perfect square is square of even number?

77 / 125

The least number which must be subtracted from 100 to make it a perfect square is

78 / 125

The square root of 0.00082 is

79 / 125

The smallest number by which 3600 be divided to make a perfect cube

80 / 125

The volume of a cubical box 13.824 cubic meters, the length of the side the box is

81 / 125

The least natural integer is

82 / 125

The greatest negative integer is

83 / 125

The value of

84 / 125

The solution of the equation 

85 / 125

At what rate percent per annum compound interest dose a sum of money become four times itself in 2 years

86 / 125

The difference between the compound interest simple interest on a certain sum at 10% per annum for 3years is Rs.93. The so is

87 / 125

The amount yield percent on 15% debenture of the face value Rs.100 each and available   at Rs.75 each is

88 / 125

The value for which a share issued by a company is called

89 / 125

A current account is usually maintained by

90 / 125

In a parallelogram, the opposite sides are

91 / 125

In a circle of radius 13cm, a chord is drawn at a distance of 12cm from then the length of the chord

92 / 125

Sum of the opposite angle of a cycle quadrilateral is:

93 / 125

Circumference is a perimeter of

94 / 125

The angle between the radius and the tangent at the point of contact is always equal to

95 / 125

The ration of the area of a square to that of a square drawn on its diagonal is

96 / 125

The circumference of the area of a circle whose diameter is 14cm is

97 / 125

The length of the minute hand of a wall clock is 8.4cm. Them the area swept by it in 15 minutes

98 / 125

The height of a right circular cone whose diameter is 8cm and its volume is 48  cm3 is

99 / 125

The difference between the minimum and the maximum observation in the date called

100 / 125

In a class interval, the number is obtained by adding its upper and lower class limit and dividing the  sum by 2 is called

101 / 125

فاعل کون سا ہے؟

102 / 125

ذرہ کس کا واحد ہے

103 / 125

فسانہ آزاد کس کا ناول ہے؟

104 / 125

سرسید احمد خاں کہا کے رکنے والے تھے؟

105 / 125

۔ 1857 میں ذیل میں سے کون سا واقعہ رونما ہوا؟

106 / 125

قصور کا فاعل ہوگا؟

107 / 125

نظم خاک وطن کی شاعر کون ہیں؟

108 / 125

نظم جدید کا دور کس سے شروع ہوا؟

109 / 125

اکبر آباد کس شہر کا قدیمی نام ہے؟

110 / 125

آفتاب کا متضاد بتاے؟

111 / 125

کون سا لفظ الگ ہے

112 / 125

لحیم شحیم کسے کہتے ہیں

113 / 125

شیخ سعدی کس ملک کے رہنے والے تھے؟

114 / 125

سبھا ش چندر بوس کہا پیدا ہوے؟

115 / 125

مسیح الملک کے خطاب سے  کس کو نوازا گیا ؟

116 / 125

ضعیف کسے کہتے ہے؟

117 / 125

لب سے مراد کیا ہے؟

118 / 125

سرسید احمد خاں کا مزار کہا ہے؟

119 / 125

زمانہ حال کسے کہتے ہیں؟

120 / 125

اچھا انسان میں اچھا کیا ہے؟

121 / 125

خودنوشت سے کیا مراد ہے؟

122 / 125

کولکتہ کس ندی کے کنارے واقع ہے؟

123 / 125

ابن بطوطہ کون تھا؟

124 / 125

خواجہ غریب نواز کہا پیدا ہوے تھے؟

125 / 125

عبدالحلیم شرر تھے؟

Your score is

The average score is 43%


QUIZZES FOR 9TH CLASS AMU ENTRANCE TEST (Click on any below link to start Quiz)

  1. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2018 – 2019
  2. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2017 – 2018
  3. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2016 – 2017
  4. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2015 – 2016
  5. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2014 – 2015
  6. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2013 – 2014
  7. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2012 – 2013
  8. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2011 – 2012
  9. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2010 – 2011
  10. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2009 – 2010
  11. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2008 – 2009
  12. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2006 – 2007
  13. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2005 – 2006
  14. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2003 – 2004
  15. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2002 – 2003


This article has provided a comprehensive Quiz for AMU 9th class entrance exam as well as a valuable resource in the form of the Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2006-2007.

By utilizing these materials, students can enhance their preparation and increase their chances of success in the entrance exam. Remember to practice regularly and seek additional help if needed.

Good luck to all the aspiring candidates! Don’t forget to share this article on social media to help others who may be looking for similar resources.

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